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Thrift Shop

The Tyndall Thrift Shop is a non-profit organization and is governed by the Tyndall Spouses Club Board of Directors. We sell donated items for the purpose of providing monies to assist base organizations and the surrounding community, as well as provide scholarships.

Tuesday - Thurs. 9:30am - 1:00pm 

200 Mall Lane, Tyndall AFB
Next to BX Food Court 

Thrift Shop Volunteers - we could not do it without you!

Here is a sign up sheet to let us know you're coming!! We can't wait to see you at the shop! P.S. Regular volunteers earn a few bennies like 50% off most items, and first dibs on new merchandise.



Please check back on this page in the future for updates and more opportunities.

TSC Dependent Spouse Scholarship

TSC High School Senior Scholarship

Spouse Application Packet
HS Senior Application Packet


On average the TSC provides over $40,000 in college scholarships and donations to local and national organizations that enrich the lives of our military families.


Would your organization, unit or team like to apply for financial support for a special project or function? Please submit your completed form to our Charitable Chairperson at

Organizations that have received donations in the past:

Tyndall Youth Center

Tyndall Airmen’s Attic

Tyndall First Sergeant’s Food Locker

Air Force Village Widow’s Fund

Air Force Aid Society

Fisher House Incorporated

LeMay Foundation


Friends of Family Support

Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors

Tyndall Honor Guard

Tyndall Heritage Club

Tyndall Chief’s Christmas Party for the Elderly


Airmen’s Cookie Drive

Clair’s House

Panama City Rescue Mission


The Tyndall Library

Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts of America

Anchorage Children’s Home

Ronald McDonald House

The Red Cross

Making Strides Against Breast Cancer

Catholic Charities

Humane Society of Bay County

Hospice of Bay County


Covenant Hospice

March of Dimes March for Babies

Garden View Assisted Living Facility of Panama City

Tyndall Heritage Club

Everitt Middle School Programs

Children’s Association for Maximum Potential

National Military Family Association

Air Force Charity Ball

Panama City Airport Soldier’s Welcome

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