We provide food, prescription medication assistance and clothing vouchers. Services are provided based on need and funds availability. Our clients include families, children, seniors, the homeless, and those unemployed; they are often referred to us by churches, other social agencies or word of mouth.
Fort Walton Beach Center:
126 Beal Parkway SW, Fort Walton Beach, FL
Telephone: 850-244-0778
Email: support.sncfwb@gccoxmail.com
Niceville Center:
104 Bullock Boulevard
Niceville, FL 32578
Telephone:(850) 678-8459
Email: info@sharing-n-caring.org
Crestview Center:
298 Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue
Crestview, FL 32536
Telephone:(850) 682-1907
Email: help@sharing-n-caring.org