Join us in geocaching in Okaloosa County Parks!
• A geocache has been placed in several of the Counties public parks.
• The County has been divided into quadrants, each containing 6 (or more) caches.
• We have listed all of the available caches below for your use.
• The geocaches can also be found under the username Okaloosa County BCC on www.geocaching.com.
For anyone who has never experienced geocaching, it is a recreational activity that takes place outside, where participants use a GPS or GPS enabled device to locate containers called “geocaches” or “caches”. The caches are at minimum a container and a log book inside the container at specific GPS coordinates. Some geocaches contain little trinkets that you can take when you visit the cache and keep or trade at the next cache you visit.
Coins will be awarded on a first come, first served basis while supplies last. Only one coin per person, with a valid and completed passport. Okaloosa County BCC is not responsible for any lost, stolen, or misdirected mail or passports. Participants are advised to keep a copy of their passport for their records.