Shoal River Shooting Center offers the following ranges:
Our pistol range features 12 individual shooting positions with adjustable height benches to accommodate shooters both short and tall. Targets may be placed anywhere in each lane from 7 yards out to 25 yards. .22 Caliber rifles may be fired on the pistol range provided the target is placed at a minimum of 15 yards from the shooting position. Rifles larger than .22 caliber may also be fired on the pistol range provided the target is placed at the 25-yard mark. Come on out and shoot with us!
Our dedicated rifle range features six individual shooting positions with benches. The targets are at a fixed distance of 100 yards. The tubes are in place to ensure that all the fired rounds impact the berm for safety reasons. Don't be discouraged, they add a little bit of volume to the noise level, but so long as ear protection is used, they're not bad at all. Come on out and give them a try!